Nick Collins

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To accompany the paper:

(2012) [sound examples and code] "Even More Errant Sound Synthesis". Nick Collins. Sound and Music Computing 2012

Sections below correspond to sections in the paper.

2 Dilation

[dilationsynthesis.rtf (SuperCollider)]
[] Quicktime movie, 12MB. Illustrates control of an FFT filter by the interpolating dilation data array.

3 Even more dynamical equations

C source and SuperCollider examples in the [SLUGens].

4 Probabilistic sieves

Sieve1 UGen C source and SuperCollider examples in the [SLUGens].
[probabilisticsievesynthesis.rtf] SuperCollider code for calculating probabilistic sieve combinations, and example of sieve synthesis method 2 (bit patterns)

5 From ellipse to super-toroid

[fromellipsetosupertoroid.rtf] SuperCollider code examples


6 Quarternion music generation

[quaternionsynthesis.rtf] SuperCollider code examples

[quaternion4.wav] (Figure 4)

[quaternion.html] Web Audio API example (browser dependent, Chrome will work)

7 Nonlinear filters modulo 1

[nonlinearfiltermod1.rtf] SuperCollider code examples

[nlfilterex1.wav] (Figure 5)

[nlfilter.html] Web Audio API example (browser dependent, Chrome will work)

8 Alternative concatenative synthesis

[] C++ code (Xcode project) for sparse approximation (matching pursuit) based concatenative synthesis

sparse examples:
[A reconstructed from C]
[C reconstructed from A]
[George Bush reconstructed from Radiohead Idioteque]
[George Bush reconstructed from Radiohead Idioteque (residual)]
[George Bush reconstructed from SuperCollider default sample]
[George Bush reconstructed from SuperCollider default sample (residual)]

[EEGconcat.rtf] SuperCollider code example for EEG-led concatenation