Nick Collins
Pitch Deviations
Pitch Deviations (August 2014) Album of generative and improvised microtonal music: audio (1 hour 7 mins) and SuperCollider code below
[MP3 DOWNLOAD] (117 MB) as a .zip containing 25 256kbps mp3 files
[FLAC DOWNLOAD] (304 MB) as a .zip containing 25 flac files (uncompressed audio)
[CODE DOWNLOAD] (7 MB) All SuperCollider 3 programming code for the album with auxilliary data (tested and runs fine with SC 3.6). The album tracks have only received basic editing; recorded otherwise directly from running the programs.
[ARTWORK DOWNLOAD] 400 by 400 jpg
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Track Listing
01 detuner2 2:34
02 c28v1 3:24
03 tupletinterruption 2:06
04 centilism2 1:43
05 horp2 2:28
06 polychordalscale4 1:09
07 continuedfractions1 1:49
08 nearinvertibleclusters2 1:53
09 polychordalscale1 1:23
10 centilism1 1:20
11 tuninginterruption 2:42
12 mef2 9:10
13 horp1 4:01
14 nearinvertibleclusters1 1:33
15 polychordalscale3 1:31
16 stackedthirds1 2:33
17 stackedthirds2 1:44
18 stackedthirds3 3:30
19 stackedthirds5 2:57
20 polychordalscale2 1:30
21 ratioorganprelude 1:35
22 ratioorgan1 2:17
23 ratioorgan2 2:41
24 ratioorgan3 3:41
25 ratioorgan4 5:26