Nick Collins
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(2020, forthcoming) "The Future of Rhythm" Book chapter in Russell Hartenberger and Ryan McClelland (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Rhythm. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
(2018) [HTML] "Origins of Algorithmic Thinking in Music" Book chapter in Alex McLean and Roger Dean (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Algorithmic Composition. New York: Oxford University Press
(2018) [HTML] " '...there is no reason why it should ever stop': Large-scale algorithmic composition" Journal of Creative Music Systems 3(1)
(2017) [HTML] "Corposing a History of Electronic Music" Leonardo Music Journal 27: 47-48
(2016) [HTML] "A funny thing happened on the way to the formula: Algorithmic composition for musical theatre" Computer Music Journal 40(3): 41-57
(2014) [PDF] "The Kiki-Bouba Challenge: Algorithmic Composition for Content-Based MIR Research and Development". Bob Sturm and Nick Collins. Proceedings of ISMIR 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
(2014) [PDF] Nick Collins and Alex McLean "Algorave: live performance of algorithmic electronic dance music". Proceedings of NIME 2014, London
(2012) [PDF] "Automatic Composition of Electroacoustic Art Music Utilizing Machine Listening", Computer Music Journal 36(3): 8-23. Copyright © MIT Press 2012 [LINK]
(2012) [PDF] [sound examples and code] "Time maps, multiple convergence points, and computer analysis of Nancarrow". Presentation at Nancarrow in the 21st Century, Southbank Centre, London
(2009) "Form and Algorithmic Composition", Contemporary Music Review 28(1): 103-114
(2008) [PDF] "The Analysis of Generative Music Programs", Organised Sound 13(3): 237-248. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2008
(2008) [PDF] "Infno: Generating Synth Pop and Electronic Dance Music On Demand". Proceedings of ICMC2008, International Computer Music Conference, Belfast.
(2007) [HTML] "The Analysis of Generative Music" Presentation at EMS07- Electroacoustic Studies Network
(2006) [PDF] "Composing to Subvert Content Retrieval Engines" ARRAY, ICMA online journal (my contribution was actually written May 2005)
(2003) [PDF] "Microtonal Tempo Canons After Nancarrow/Jaffe". Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Singapore.
(2002) [PDF] "Impossible Music", NoiseGate 10. ISSN1367613X.
(2002) [PDF] "Infinite Length Pieces: A User's Guide". Proceedings of MAXIS, Sheffield Hallam University, April 12-14, 2002.
(2002) [PDF] "Relating Superhuman Virtuosity to Human Performance". Proceedings of MAXIS, Sheffield Hallam University, April 12-14, 2002.
(2002) [PDF] "How to be a True Recording Artist". This is an unpublished sonic art joke I wrote in 2002 that I found on my hard drive.
And various on BBCut and related themes:
(2003) "Recursive Audio Cutting", Leonardo Music Journal 13: pp23-9
(2003) [HMTL] "Algorithmic Composition Methods for Breakbeat Science" (Revised with a new foreword and mp3 examples). ARiADA 3.
(2003) "Simulating Squarepusher". Proceedings of Cybersonica, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, June, 2003. The talk is available as part of the bbcut1 distribution.
(2002) [PDF] "The BBCut Library". Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Goteborg, Sweden, September 16-21, 2002.
(2002) [PDF] "Interactive Evolution of Breakbeat Cut Sequences". Proceedings of Cybersonica, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, June 5-7, 2002.
(2001) [PDF] "Further Automatic Breakbeat Cutting Methods". Proceedings of Generative Art 2001. Milan.
(2001) [PDF] "Algorithmic Composition Methods for Breakbeat Science". Proceedings of Music Without Walls, De Montfort University, June 21-23, 2001, ISBN 1857213319, CD-ROM.