Nick Collins
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(2018) Review of Simon Emmerson and Leigh Landy (eds.) (2016) Expanding the Horizon of Electroacoustic Music Analysis. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) Music & Letters, forthcoming
(2016) [HTML] Review of Curtis Roads (2015) Composing Electronic Music. (New York: Oxford University Press) Music & Letters 97(4): 675-677
(2009) Review of Jamie Sexton (ed.) Music, Sound and Multimedia: From the Live to the Virtual (Edinburgh University Press). Organised Sound 14(1): 111-112
(2008) Review of Understanding the Art of Sound Organization + La musique des sons/The Music of Sounds by Leigh Landy (MIT Press and Sorbonne). Organised Sound 13(3): 273-276
(2008) [HTML] Karlheinz Stockhausen: Cosmic Pulses (review). Computer Music Journal 32(1): 88-91
(2007) [HTML] Review of Radiohead's digital release "In Rainbows" DIFFUSION 25:10:07, Sonic Arts Network. an accompanying generative remix program and example outputs are also available there.
(2004) Review of Radiohead Kid A/Amnesiac/Hail to the Thief. Computer Music Journal 28(1): 73-7
(2003) Review of Hyperimprovisation by Roger Dean (A-R Editions). Organised Sound 8(3): 336-7
I have acted as external examiner for Adam Stark's PhD thesis on applications of beat tracking and chord detection with memory, Sarah Keith's PhD thesis on laptop performance, Rene Wooller's PhD thesis on symbolic music morphing and Alex Mesker's MA thesis on Autechre.
I've also been a peer reviewer for ICMC, CHI, NIME, SMC, Computer Music Journal, Journal of New Music Research, Organised Sound, Leonardo Music Journal, 20th Century Music, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, amongst others.